Things that annoy me (8 Viewers)

UConn women's basketball team winning a game today by the score of 103-34. I didn't actually see that game but there is no cause to run up the score and humiliate someone in the tournament. I'm sure they put in their scrubs at some point but maybe the coaches should show a bit of sportsmanship once they are up 40 or 50 points in the second half.
Hard for a coach to tell "scrub" players who don't play much to not do their best.
"MAGA; Make America Great destroying thousands of small businesses and our economy due to half assed tariffs in one fell swoop."

Based on what happens on April 2nd, it's via con dios my darling................I've already moved investments/money out of the stock market in anticipation of the market crashing.
I don't give investment advice to anyone but me, that said, it is never a good idea to chase the news when investing in stocks. I also don't personally think April 2nd is going to amount to much. Stock market rises and falls in anticipation of news, there is a whole lot of betting going on. I personally look at the Fed Rate news and the fact that they are indicating 2 rate cuts with a prediction that the economy will ride out the tariff as positive long term news.

I don't give investment advice to anyone but me, that said, it is never a good idea to chase the news when investing in stocks. I also don't personally think April 2nd is going to amount to much. Stock market rises and falls in anticipation of news, there is a whole lot of betting going on. I personally look at the Fed Rate news and the fact that they are indicating 2 rate cuts with a prediction that the economy will ride out the tariff as positive long term news.

He's been pointing to April 2nd for a long time, unless it's just him being him, ie, an overstuffed gasbag.

We'll see, but I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about what's to come on the 2nd.
The prime minister of Greenland (who even knew they had one?) calling a proposed visit by VD Vance's wife "highly aggressive." These are supposed to be our allies - right?
Awful to see JuJu Watkins injury in the women's tournament. SC had a chance to win it all. That's a long, painful recovery with a torn ACL.
Leaking military plans by using a commercial app and inadvertently copying a press reporter. Wow - that is amateur hour. And this was not some low-level discussion but included the Secretary of Defense and National Security Director. If that had occurred under the prior administration, these same people would be demanding resignations and possibly criminal investigations for mishandling classified information.
Leaking military plans by using a commercial app and inadvertently copying a press reporter. Wow - that is amateur hour. And this was not some low-level discussion but included the Secretary of Defense and National Security Director. If that had occurred under the prior administration, these same people would be demanding resignations and possibly criminal investigations for mishandling classified information.
Amateur hour for sure. I am happy with what they are discussing, but my God, how do you make that error. This is why I don't think public officials should be allowed to have outside communications utilizing their supposed secure phones. Accidents like this can easily happen when non secure individuals (like the press) are in your contacts.

In all honesty, electronic communications allow for mistakes like this more than they don't. It is just too easy to mistype and there you go. I would like to see these NOT used. I don't even like personal cell phones being carried in secure areas. If you are that important, your family will be able to contact you in case of emergency.

He's been pointing to April 2nd for a long time, unless it's just him being him, ie, an overstuffed gasbag.

We'll see, but I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about what's to come on the 2nd.
And Wall Street is making money hand over fist on the fluctuations and whims. We as individual investors can only ever get lucky or ride the coattails. Timing the market is just not a good idea. More money is made when everyone else is fleeing the market than when it is "hot". The market may plummet on 4/2 and then soar on 4/3. IMO the bad news is already baked in. Any reactions are just knee jerks. Everytime there is a selloff, there is an investment bank putting in buy orders. Sometimes individual companies go kaplooey and you have to watch that, but I can tell you I have been steadily buying the index for the last 6 months. I tend to take a long term view. The only time I ever got killed in the market was immaturity in my response to a "market crash". That took many years to recover and I will never do it again.

Amateur hour for sure. I am happy with what they are discussing, but my God, how do you make that error. This is why I don't think public officials should be allowed to have outside communications utilizing their supposed secure phones. Accidents like this can easily happen when non secure individuals (like the press) are in your contacts.

In all honesty, electronic communications allow for mistakes like this more than they don't. It is just too easy to mistype and there you go. I would like to see these NOT used. I don't even like personal cell phones being carried in secure areas. If you are that important, your family will be able to contact you in case of emergency.

What's even more infuriating is that they won't simply admit a mistake and vow to fix the problem. Instead, they are claiming this did not violate any rule or contain classified information. I'm 100% sure that if some solider or sailor had done this that they would be spending many years in jail. The claim that the details of a pending attack plan are not classified information is laughable. And why not simply use the secure government phones and systems that are intended for this purpose? Why use a commercial app on your personal phone? I don't understand why anyone would ever do that. There is not one single person on the staff of the heads of the Department of Defense, CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies that thought this was a bad idea? We are in big trouble if that is the brain trust running the country.
On another note, where is the universal condemnation of the violence against Tesla? Look, I don't believe in or am going to purchase an electric car. That said, the violence that is being condoned by Democrats, yes I said that because it is a fact, is ridiculous. I have no respect for the leaders Jeffries or Pelosi. if they had a brain, they would have been fighting to be the first to condemn this, as in reality, it is domestic terrorism. This is just unacceptable. It is the same crap as harassing politicians when they are at private family dinners, accosting mayors, causing violence at school board meetings, etc. When did this become ok? As I have said before, a riot is a riot and is illegal no matter who or why perpetrated it. When did common sense leave the building and this become ok? It takes everyone to call this crap out, I don't care what politics you affiliate with. There is no excuse for this BS. And it is on all sides. 2 wrongs never make a right. If we would start prosecuting this BS and putting people in jail, it would stop.

I have always prided myself on not being a sheep. I call it as I see it, when the Republicans screw up, I say it , same as Democrats. In my humble opinion, if more people would take their blinders off, we would not be in the mess we are in. But too many people only see D or R. Sad State when common sense leaves the field.

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What's even more infuriating is that they won't simply admit a mistake and vow to fix the problem. Instead, they are claiming this did not violate any rule or contain classified information. I'm 100% sure that if some solider or sailor had done this that they would be spending many years in jail. The claim that the details of a pending attack plan are not classified information is laughable. And why not simply use the secure government phones and systems that are intended for this purpose? Why use a commercial app on your personal phone? I don't understand why anyone would ever do that. There is not one single person on the staff of the heads of the Department of Defense, CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies that thought this was a bad idea? We are in big trouble if that is the brain trust running the country.
every side uses the spin machine, a lot of noise, I simply ignore it and just relegate the fact that idiots continually through the ages are in governmental positions of power. Sad really.
On another note, where is the universal condemnation of the violence against Tesla? Look, I don't believe in or am going to purchase an electric car. That said, the violence that is being condoned by Democrats, yes I said that because it is a fact, is ridiculous. I have no respect for the leaders Jeffries or Pelosi. if they had a brain, they would have been fighting to be the first to condemn this, as in reality, it is domestic terrorism. This is just unacceptable. It is the same crap as harassing politicians when they are at private family dinners, accosting mayors, causing violence at school board meetings, etc. When did this become ok? As I have said before, a riot is a riot and is illegal no matter who or why perpetrated it. When did common sense leave the building and this become ok? It takes everyone to call this crap out, I don't care what politics you affiliate with. There is no excuse for this BS. And it is on all sides. 2 wrongs never make a right. If we would start prosecuting this BS and putting people in jail, it would stop.
I have always prided myself on not being a sheep. I call it as I see it, when the Republicans screw up, I say it , same as Democrats. In my humble opinion, if more people would take their blinders off, we would not be in the mess we are in. But too many people only see D or R. Sad State when common sense leaves the field.

Funny how he was the lefts darling because he made electric cars, now that he's aligned with Trump, he's evil.

And yes, two wrongs do not make a right, these cars are made in America, these people are screwing with peoples lives and livelihood.

And I know firsthand about someone screwing with my livelihood and it's not pleasant.

The left keeps going further left vs coming more towards the center; I guess they learned nothing this past election.

Einstein was right.
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- Sounds like one of those cute nicknames trump would come up with.
I don't really think there is anything funny about it nor do I think Trump's are either. I think the proper thing is to just say this is idiotic and flat out wrong.

Again, your post is IMO where the problem lies. Instead of universal condemnation, it becomes a rationalization issue. It is just wrong to call someone disabled in a tragic accident Hot Wheels. Frankly, it is disgusting. The fact that he went on and overcame the disability with achievement is amazing. IF you believe in statistics, most people who suffer disabling injuries do not make it very long either by medical complications or they commit suicide, so I don't find anything laughing or funny about this.

The only nickname I ever found slightly amusing was Pocahontas. It was wrong, but Warren brought that one on herself with a boldface lie she has since backed off of. Still, 2 wrongs don't make it right, the classy thing to do would have been to point out the facts and let her wallow in her own lie. I believe you can bury a person more with their own words then having to put in your words.

But again, blind hatred causes a lot of idiocy.
I don't really think there is anything funny about it nor do I think Trump's are either. I think the proper thing is to just say this is idiotic and flat out wrong.

Again, your post is IMO where the problem lies. Instead of universal condemnation, it becomes a rationalization issue. It is just wrong to call someone disabled in a tragic accident Hot Wheels. Frankly, it is disgusting. The fact that he went on and overcame the disability with achievement is amazing. IF you believe in statistics, most people who suffer disabling injuries do not make it very long either by medical complications or they commit suicide, so I don't find anything laughing or funny about this.

The only nickname I ever found slightly amusing was Pocahontas. It was wrong, but Warren brought that one on herself with a boldface lie she has since backed off of. Still, 2 wrongs don't make it right, the classy thing to do would have been to point out the facts and let her wallow in her own lie. I believe you can bury a person more with their own words then having to put in your words.

But again, blind hatred causes a lot of idiocy.
I read an article on this crockett. She went to a prestigious high school in St Louis, then went on to a highly regarded college, don't remember which one. This same article showed her in her years before running for congress speaking and it was very articulate. Fast forward to now. Appealing to her constituents. Me being from St Louis I'm also proud that another of my favorite congress person maxine waters is from St Louis. Now with her I doubted she graduated from the 8th grade. How do these people get elected?
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F1's Redbull team brutal dropping of Kiwi driver, Liam Lawson after only 2x drives.......

Red Bull has shown no patience with him after putting him in an impossible situation.

The car is not that great and he is being compared to his teammate who is one of the greatest drivers of all-time.

I hope that the switch to Red Bull’s other team will help him develop.

Careful on here once again guys. Name calling, personal attacks and slander (even when you think you are just poking fun at them .... from your keyboard), politics, etc.

When I delete I implode them all. I shouldn't have to continue to say this.

... How do these people get elected?
They promise their constituents things they want, tell them things they want to hear. Very often, that includes telling their constituents that Someone Else is responsible for the life they find themselves in. They aren't responsible themselves. That is hard for many to resist, human nature being what it is, and many people who are physically adults being emotional or psychological adolescents. Taking responsibility for yourself is hard, even though it's a sign of your own maturity.
That's how.


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