On another note, where is the universal condemnation of the violence against Tesla? Look, I don't believe in or am going to purchase an electric car. That said, the violence that is being condoned by Democrats, yes I said that because it is a fact, is ridiculous. I have no respect for the leaders Jeffries or Pelosi. if they had a brain, they would have been fighting to be the first to condemn this, as in reality, it is domestic terrorism. This is just unacceptable. It is the same crap as harassing politicians when they are at private family dinners, accosting mayors, causing violence at school board meetings, etc. When did this become ok? As I have said before, a riot is a riot and is illegal no matter who or why perpetrated it. When did common sense leave the building and this become ok? It takes everyone to call this crap out, I don't care what politics you affiliate with. There is no excuse for this BS. And it is on all sides. 2 wrongs never make a right. If we would start prosecuting this BS and putting people in jail, it would stop.