The American Civil War Diaries (9 Viewers)

Hi Bob,
This thread of yours is one of the highlights of this forum. :salute::

Look forward to catching up with you in a couple of weeks. :smile2:

Another fantastic episode of the ACW in the glorious way that only you can deliver Bob . . . . once again very nicely done . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
There's nothing I can say UKReb that hasn't already been said in many ways but I'm very happy and gratefull seeing you continuing to add Chapters to your Civil War Diaries Bob......The Lt.
The internet and digital cameras. Our figures can "tell stories" and be seen by more people than might ever visit our collections in person.

This is a very enjoyable series. Thank you.
Crikey! Now that's awesome!! I don't collect ACW but everything about your dio Bob is outstanding and i agree your groundwork is superb.{bravo}}

Nice to see you putting the new figure to good use, nice job all around Bob, like others I am looking forward to Hoods actual assault, that cannot be too far off, can it?
Nice to see you putting the new figure to good use, nice job all around Bob, like others I am looking forward to Hoods actual assault, that cannot be too far off, can it?

Thanks for all your kind comments guys on this little vignette

That Hood figure from Wayne is a K&C gem George. His sad expression near fits- I would think- his frustration in not being allowed by Longstreet to move his troops to the right. Three times he sent a courier back asking for permission to hit the Federal rear until a piece of shrapnel took him out of the fight.

Thanks for all your kind comments guys on this little vignette

That Hood figure from Wayne is a K&C gem George. His sad expression near fits- I would think- his frustration in not being allowed by Longstreet to move his troops to the right. Three times he sent a courier back asking for permission to hit the Federal rear until a piece of shrapnel took him out of the fight.


Bob, Glad you like the figure. Your diorama did General Hood Justice !!! {bravo}}
Guys, we often consider tramping round shopping centers on a Saturday morning a pointless task enjoyed mostly by our good ladies, but not today! Just returned from said chore with the latest copy of Toy Soldier Collector magazine that has a large article on the making of Bob's Trostle farm building by the super talented and frankly we are not worthy David of TM Terrain. Well worth picking up if you get chance,.

Once again Bob, great work and thanks a million for the teaser as to what your next diorama will be.................:wink2:
Bob, put quite simply, You are the King! Those gentlemen abed in England will think themselves accursed! They were not here and hold their manhoods cheap!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
September 2nd 1862-A field close to Lee's HQ-Virginia

After thrashing John Pope's Federal Army of Virginia at Second Manassas on 30th August 1862 Lee was free to plan his grand strategy. Lee's aide Colonel Taylor had been ordered to set up a trestle table in the middle of a field close to a copse of trees. There was not another soul within five hundred yards as Lee and his two Corps commanders Longstreet and Jackson poured over maps. Taylor's orders also included that Lee was not to be disturbed except for when General Stuart returned from the Rappahannock who was to join them immediately.

Lee addressed his two commanders

"Virginia is safe, at least for the moment." Lee now paused for effect "Gentlemen, we must now take this war north. Only then will the will of those people to fight be broken"
He looked at each man in turn and saw exactly what he expected to see. Jackson was elated but the ever cautious Longstreet appeared concerned. Lee continued

"Maryland is the key. She is Southern and is being held in the Union against her will. The first part of this campaign will be conducted as a liberating army and not a conquering one as I believe we will be welcome there. We can then move north and invade Pennsylvania"


When JEB Stuart finally joined them Lee's plan had been agreed and the decision made. Just like Jackson, Stuarts eyes blazed with excitement as he was briefed particularly when Lee said

"General Stuart locate a fording point across the Potomac"


The wide shallow waters of the Potomac river sparkled as light skimmed over the gentle ripples. The quietness was broken by the thunder of hooves as Stuart and his cavalry rode toward the river's edge.


Stuart split his troop some to search upstream whilst he and his men rode downstream posting sentries every 200 yards


Stuart's captain yelled out orders to search for a natural elevation down to the river's edge and to keep a sharp eye out for Yankee sentries on the opposite side.


A little further on Stuart reined in his horse and looked over both sides of the river. His captain was confused and uttered

"General Stuart sir, this and the other side are too steep and there is no natural causeway for the wagons"


Stuart smiled as he replied

"And that captain is why it is perfect. They won't expect a crossing here. We will secure a mile each side of the opposite bank and hold until General Jackson's Corps arrives. Our wagon train can then cross at White's Ford further downstream with no fear of inteference from the Yankee army"


Stuart called back along the line

"Send a rider to General Lee with my compliments and tell him General Stuart has found the army's fording point across the Potomac"



Another excellent scene my friend, superb ground and water work there, great narrative too Bob{bravo}}

Well worth carrying home after a few G&T's :wink2:

Great stuff. K & C should hire you as a publicist for their ACW line, as should every other company for that matter.


Great scenics, great figures, great story..........JUST GREAT {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


Another excellent scene my friend, superb ground and water work there, great narrative too Bob{bravo}}

Well worth carrying home after a few G&T's :wink2:


So who made the river bank section? Another excellent series of photos Bob. {bravo}}

Now I fully understand our conversation relating to angle grinders and blow torches! :wink2:



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