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    No not yet. No 95th or 60th Rifles. I wish they would put some out.

    So what did you K&C collectors get for Christmas?

    I got the U.S. Navy Steam Launch and a few of the China Marines for myself.

    New club figure

    I just ordered the new club figure. It looks good and I will find a space for it. I order every club figure that comes out.

    King & Country book

    Morgan and his burgers.

    New Warbirds on the K&C site

    I would like to buy one of the JU87 Stukas but at almost $1000.00 I will pass on it. I just have to stay off that site so I do not get tempted.

    King & Country book

    Thanks Louis. The book is Awesome!

    King & Country book

    I got my book today and I would like you and Kevin to sing it please.

    King & Country book

    I had a look at Louis's copy and knew I had to get It. It is a cool feeling knowing people who actually put out a book. The Photos by Kevin are amazing.

    2009 New York Toy Soldier Symposium

    Louis I had a good time yesterday. Thanks for everything, it was really a pleasure talking to Andy.
  10. M1SLAPPY

    What Do We K&c Guys Do For A Living

    I am still a Zoo Keeper in Brooklyn. The animals keep me busy.
  11. M1SLAPPY

    March 2009 Dispatches - Including New Images

    I am just glad they have a Police Officer. The fact that it is a Bobby is just fine with me. I want to see more Cops and maybe some firemen. I ordered that set as soon as I could.
  12. M1SLAPPY

    Panther ws072

    I like it. I have a few Panthers and it stands well with the others.
  13. M1SLAPPY

    Market Garden Resource Page

    I am going to Holland in May. I will take many pictures of the battle fields and bridges. I think I may even go to Amsterdam.
  14. M1SLAPPY

    2009 New York Toy Soldier Symposium

    I will try and make a few of the days. It is really a fun time.
  15. M1SLAPPY

    K&C Question?

    You can probably get some of the trees from j.g. Miniatures.
  16. M1SLAPPY

    Whats your first buy for 2009?

    I just got my two u.s. Flyers, and the new black watch figures.
  17. M1SLAPPY

    Whats your first buy for 2009?

    I ordered the normandy rommel and two other german generals, the hb german medic team and the u.s. Pilot with the map. I also have a few other things on order but i ordered them in 2008.
  18. M1SLAPPY

    S04 Winter Tiger

    The best thing about it is that he has a winter 88. Those things are harder to find then chickens teeth.
  19. M1SLAPPY

    K&C Napoleonic Dragoons

    I got most of them. They came out about 4 years ago.
  20. M1SLAPPY

    Christmas eve at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Merry Christmas to all and to all my fellow Police Officers be safe and watch your back.